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A PerfectBee Colony Webinar

Colony Cluster June 2023

RoundTable Discussion
Handling Frames with Damages from Wax Moths (21:50)
Re-Capturing a Strong Colony that has Swarmed (24:19)
Using Swarm Baits – Do they work? (25:22)
Bear Issues & Bear Fences (32:20)
Options for Deterring Bears (34:59)
Queen Laying in Super WITH a Queen Excluder On (40:30)
Finding Newly Mated Queens & Mating Flights (41:43)
Dealing with Laying Workers (46:07)
Ambassador Thoughts on Not using an Inner Cover (49:29)
Options for Helping Your Bees Beat the Summer Heat (52:39)
Using a Propolis Trap (55:35)
Inner Covers in Horizontal Hives (57:17)
Are Follower Boards Worth It? (58:44)
How Many Frames of Brood Should a Typical Colony Have? (59:36)
Bee Activity Near Empty Hive Bodies (1:00:42)
No Honey to Harvest after Two Years (1:08:37)


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