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Inspecting Your Hive

The time when you learn the most as a beekeeper is during a hive inspection. It’s important that beekeepers understand how to interpret what they see.

Beekeeper using smoker
Swarm Management in Spring
Spring is the busiest time of year for both the bees and the beekeeper.  A strong, healthy colony will feel the natural urge to reproduce...
HM5 Hive Scale
When Advanced Monitoring Meets Beekeeping
Traditionally, the use of technology in beekeeping has been fairly limited, particularly at the hobbyist level. Yet hobbyists, sideliners, and commercial beekeepers all face similar challenges....
John Williams' Hives
Can I tell if my colony is still alive in the winter?
Beekeepers can use some special techniques to check if their colony is alive in the coldest months.
February 3, 2025
Bees at Hive
Are dead bees at a beehive’s entrance normal?
A few dead bees are normal, but it's important to know when you need to do further investigation.
January 29, 2025
Macro image of a bee drinking a water drop from a green leaf
Do bees need water in the winter?
Honeybees cannot forage in winter while clustered. So, how do they get their water?
January 28, 2025
Beehives in winter
Can I check on my bees during cold weather?
Disturbing the hive in cold weather can stress bees. Learn how to check on your bees safely in the winter!
January 16, 2025
Bees on frames
Feeding Honeybees in the Fall
As each beekeeping season is nearing its end, beekeepers are filled with a twinge of sadness and anxiety. Not only will we miss being able...
September 19, 2024
Beehives in winter
Winter Bees & Fall Honeybee Populations
Consider how honeybee populations change in the fall and learn what the "winter bees" are all about.
September 11, 2024
Winter Langstroth Beehives
Preparing Honeybee Colonies for Winter
Prepare your honeybee colonies for winter. Essential tips on hive inspection, feeding, and ensuring their health and survival through the colder months.
September 6, 2024
Bees in Hive
Combining Honeybee Colonies
As we touched on in another Snippet, "Assessing Colony Size", knowing what the size of your colony is AND what it means for its health...
August 28, 2024
Beekeeper and bees
Assessing Honeybee Colony Size
No matter the reason for your trip out to your bee yard and inspection of your colonies, each time you peek inside one of your...
August 21, 2024
Inspecting a frame
Helping Bees Through a Nectar or Pollen Dearth
Being a beekeeper often requires you to pay attention to what’s happening in the environment around your bee yard, especially when it comes to keeping...
July 10, 2024
Another View of the Brood Pattern
Effectively Managing Space in the Brood Nest 
As we touched on in our previous Snippet, “Pollen and Nectar Stores in the Brood Nest”, bees are typically pretty good at managing their hive...
July 3, 2024
Beatrice and Brood
Pollen and Nectar Stores in the Brood Nest
Monitoring the brood nest is key to understanding your hive’s health.
June 26, 2024
Bee Inspection
Practical Hive Inspection Tips & Tricks
Completing hive inspections can be one of the most important tasks you’ll complete in your bee yard. Being able to open up the hive and...
June 19, 2024
Queen bee
Tips for Queen Spotting
When completing a hive inspection, it’s always beneficial to take note of what you see inside and on the frames. An especially wonderful sight is...
June 12, 2024
Honey harvesting
Nectar Storage & the Honey Ceiling 
In most places throughout the U.S., by early June the spring nectar flow has begun, and honeybee colonies are out working efficiently to bring nectar...
June 5, 2024
Keiths Garden
Tips & Tricks for Providing Pollinator-Friendly Plants
“Beekeeping Season” is often thought of as the time of year when the world and environment around us will become alive and renewed again. Trees...
April 16, 2024
During & After a Honeybee Swarm
Learn how to inspect your hive during and after a honeybee swarm. Explore essential tips to manage your bees and ensure the health of your...
April 10, 2024
Why Honeybees Swarm
The sight of a honeybee swarm is truly an incredible one. Thousands of honeybees, heavy with the weight of the nectar they carry, decide together...
April 3, 2024
Wasp attack
A Beehive Autopsy
Investigating lost honeybee colonies helps identify causes and provides insights for improving success with future colonies.
February 7, 2024
Beehives in winter
Checking Your Beehive Has Signs of Life
Ensure your bees thrive through winter by learning how to check for signs of life in your hive without disturbing the colony, and what to...
Honey Bee Eggs And Brood
Tips for Spotting Eggs
It's valuable to spot eggs, but can often be a challengeWhen inspecting your hives, there are many ways to verify your colonies are queen-right, with...
Beekeeping classes
The Value in Reviewing Losses
Awful News, But an OpportunityNo beekeeper wants to go out to feed a hive in late winter or open up a hive for their Spring...
Beekeeper with honeycomb in hand
Inspect Often When You Start Beekeeping
For a first-year beekeeper, it's important to dive in and learn how to inspect your beehives with hands-on experience. Every hive is unique, so inspect...
Pollen Patties
Winter or Pollen Patties
What to Use in the Fall and WinterIn the spring our bees will start foraging and, all being well, bring back plenty of pollen. This...
Bee stinging
A Beekeeper’s Guide to Bee Stings
There aren’t many guarantees when it comes to keeping bees, but eventually getting stung is one of them.
Bee on comb
The Beekeeper’s Role in Avoiding Colony Starvation
Learn how beekeepers can prevent colony starvation by understanding bee behavior, managing food supplies, and ensuring a healthy hive environment year-round.
BetterComb Inspection
A BetterComb Hive Inspection
There has been strong growth in interest recently for synthetic comb, as an effective way to help our bees establish themselves in a hive. The...
September 3, 2020
Brood Closeup
The Basics Of Requeening A Hive
Does the idea of requeening a hive scare you? Don’t let it. It is great for your hive and in turn, great for you as a beekeeper....
Beekeeper using smoker
Calming your bees
How can we assess our bees response during a hive inspection? And what can we do to increase the chances of the calm enjoyable encounter...
Beekeeper checking hives
Seasonal Changes in the Bee Yard
Seasonal transitions by our beesIt seems every year is different in some way and here in Central Oregon we are running what appears to be...
Bees flying
The challenge of hot days in the hive
We humans generally love summer! But what about our bees? How do they cope with increasing temperatures, especially within the confines of a hive?
Propolis In Beehive
Second year beekeeper and waiting for sunny days!
Year two is when a beekeeper gets a taste of real beekeeping. If last year was your first season it's likely you have yet to...
Bees on frames
Learning From the Sadness of the Deadout Inspection
We are at a time of year when we find colonies that didn’t make it through the winter and we wonder what happened to bring...
The Challenges of Cross Comb
The bane of the beekeeper - but not the beeWhat exactly is cross comb? How does it happen? What should I do about it? What’s...
Bees on frames
What is burr comb?
Back in the 1800's, the esteemed Mr. Langstroth (yes, the very same Langstroth we know from our hives) noticed something about his bees. He discovered...
Bee stinging
The Buzz about Bee Stings
Love the OuchIf you’re like most people, the idea of being stung by a bee is painful at best. Sting sites swell and itch. Sometimes...
Closed feeding bees
Open Or Closed Feeding: Which Is Best?
Well, many people might have only seen bees being fed one way or the other. But really, you should be well informed so you can...
Queen bee
5 Methods To Help You Raise Your Own Queens
Would you like to be able to raise your own queens?The idea of raising your own queen isn't one that comes to mind early for...
Bee swarm on a tree
What To Know About Performing A Split
Have you ever performed a swarm split?If not, it can actually be rather intimidating at first thought. I remember the first time my husband performed...
HM5 Hive Scale
Weighing your beehive: Why and how
Why is weighing your beehive important?Simple - it is a great unobtrusive way to monitor how your bees are doing.It’s important to keep tabs on your...
Beekeeper in Spring
First Hive Check in the Spring
It’s finally here! That joyous warm weather. The sun is shining, it’s 50°F and you’re ready to see how your bees did over the winter.
Bees at Hive
Maintaining the integrity of the beehive
One of the nice things about beekeeping is that it involves a certain amount of downtime. Your bees know what they’re doing, and you don’t...
A Frame of Bees
When bees go bad
Sarah has a disappointment with her hive - and that's just the start. But time to reflect and some lessons learned....
Winter Langstroth Beehives
Over-wintering humans: Getting through the long wait
Beekeepers talk about overwintering - the art of getting bees through the cold winter months. But what about us humans?
Red Beehive
Winterizing beehives
Bees face challenge of surviving the colder months. And that can be a major challenge, especially in colder parts of the country.
Beekeeper using smoker
Swarm Management in Spring
Spring is the busiest time of year for both the bees and the beekeeper.  A strong, healthy colony will feel the natural urge to reproduce...
HM5 Hive Scale
When Advanced Monitoring Meets Beekeeping
Traditionally, the use of technology in beekeeping has been fairly limited, particularly at the hobbyist level. Yet hobbyists, sideliners, and commercial beekeepers all face similar challenges....
John Williams' Hives
Can I tell if my colony is still alive in the winter?
Beekeepers can use some special techniques to check if their colony is alive in the coldest months.
February 3, 2025
Bees at Hive
Are dead bees at a beehive’s entrance normal?
A few dead bees are normal, but it's important to know when you need to do further investigation.
January 29, 2025
Macro image of a bee drinking a water drop from a green leaf
Do bees need water in the winter?
Honeybees cannot forage in winter while clustered. So, how do they get their water?
January 28, 2025
Beehives in winter
Can I check on my bees during cold weather?
Disturbing the hive in cold weather can stress bees. Learn how to check on your bees safely in the winter!
January 16, 2025
Bees on frames
Feeding Honeybees in the Fall
As each beekeeping season is nearing its end, beekeepers are filled with a twinge of sadness and anxiety. Not only will we miss being able...
September 19, 2024
Beehives in winter
Winter Bees & Fall Honeybee Populations
Consider how honeybee populations change in the fall and learn what the "winter bees" are all about.
September 11, 2024
Winter Langstroth Beehives
Preparing Honeybee Colonies for Winter
Prepare your honeybee colonies for winter. Essential tips on hive inspection, feeding, and ensuring their health and survival through the colder months.
September 6, 2024
Bees in Hive
Combining Honeybee Colonies
As we touched on in another Snippet, "Assessing Colony Size", knowing what the size of your colony is AND what it means for its health...
August 28, 2024
Beekeeper and bees
Assessing Honeybee Colony Size
No matter the reason for your trip out to your bee yard and inspection of your colonies, each time you peek inside one of your...
August 21, 2024
Inspecting a frame
Helping Bees Through a Nectar or Pollen Dearth
Being a beekeeper often requires you to pay attention to what’s happening in the environment around your bee yard, especially when it comes to keeping...
July 10, 2024
Another View of the Brood Pattern
Effectively Managing Space in the Brood Nest 
As we touched on in our previous Snippet, “Pollen and Nectar Stores in the Brood Nest”, bees are typically pretty good at managing their hive...
July 3, 2024
Beatrice and Brood
Pollen and Nectar Stores in the Brood Nest
Monitoring the brood nest is key to understanding your hive’s health.
June 26, 2024
Bee Inspection
Practical Hive Inspection Tips & Tricks
Completing hive inspections can be one of the most important tasks you’ll complete in your bee yard. Being able to open up the hive and...
June 19, 2024
Queen bee
Tips for Queen Spotting
When completing a hive inspection, it’s always beneficial to take note of what you see inside and on the frames. An especially wonderful sight is...
June 12, 2024
Honey harvesting
Nectar Storage & the Honey Ceiling 
In most places throughout the U.S., by early June the spring nectar flow has begun, and honeybee colonies are out working efficiently to bring nectar...
June 5, 2024
Keiths Garden
Tips & Tricks for Providing Pollinator-Friendly Plants
“Beekeeping Season” is often thought of as the time of year when the world and environment around us will become alive and renewed again. Trees...
April 16, 2024
During & After a Honeybee Swarm
Learn how to inspect your hive during and after a honeybee swarm. Explore essential tips to manage your bees and ensure the health of your...
April 10, 2024
Why Honeybees Swarm
The sight of a honeybee swarm is truly an incredible one. Thousands of honeybees, heavy with the weight of the nectar they carry, decide together...
April 3, 2024
Wasp attack
A Beehive Autopsy
Investigating lost honeybee colonies helps identify causes and provides insights for improving success with future colonies.
February 7, 2024
Beehives in winter
Checking Your Beehive Has Signs of Life
Ensure your bees thrive through winter by learning how to check for signs of life in your hive without disturbing the colony, and what to...
Honey Bee Eggs And Brood
Tips for Spotting Eggs
It's valuable to spot eggs, but can often be a challengeWhen inspecting your hives, there are many ways to verify your colonies are queen-right, with...
Beekeeping classes
The Value in Reviewing Losses
Awful News, But an OpportunityNo beekeeper wants to go out to feed a hive in late winter or open up a hive for their Spring...
Beekeeper with honeycomb in hand
Inspect Often When You Start Beekeeping
For a first-year beekeeper, it's important to dive in and learn how to inspect your beehives with hands-on experience. Every hive is unique, so inspect...
Pollen Patties
Winter or Pollen Patties
What to Use in the Fall and WinterIn the spring our bees will start foraging and, all being well, bring back plenty of pollen. This...
Bee stinging
A Beekeeper’s Guide to Bee Stings
There aren’t many guarantees when it comes to keeping bees, but eventually getting stung is one of them.
Bee on comb
The Beekeeper’s Role in Avoiding Colony Starvation
Learn how beekeepers can prevent colony starvation by understanding bee behavior, managing food supplies, and ensuring a healthy hive environment year-round.
BetterComb Inspection
A BetterComb Hive Inspection
There has been strong growth in interest recently for synthetic comb, as an effective way to help our bees establish themselves in a hive. The...
September 3, 2020
Brood Closeup
The Basics Of Requeening A Hive
Does the idea of requeening a hive scare you? Don’t let it. It is great for your hive and in turn, great for you as a beekeeper....
Beekeeper using smoker
Calming your bees
How can we assess our bees response during a hive inspection? And what can we do to increase the chances of the calm enjoyable encounter...
Beekeeper checking hives
Seasonal Changes in the Bee Yard
Seasonal transitions by our beesIt seems every year is different in some way and here in Central Oregon we are running what appears to be...
Bees flying
The challenge of hot days in the hive
We humans generally love summer! But what about our bees? How do they cope with increasing temperatures, especially within the confines of a hive?
Propolis In Beehive
Second year beekeeper and waiting for sunny days!
Year two is when a beekeeper gets a taste of real beekeeping. If last year was your first season it's likely you have yet to...
Bees on frames
Learning From the Sadness of the Deadout Inspection
We are at a time of year when we find colonies that didn’t make it through the winter and we wonder what happened to bring...
The Challenges of Cross Comb
The bane of the beekeeper - but not the beeWhat exactly is cross comb? How does it happen? What should I do about it? What’s...
Bees on frames
What is burr comb?
Back in the 1800's, the esteemed Mr. Langstroth (yes, the very same Langstroth we know from our hives) noticed something about his bees. He discovered...
Bee stinging
The Buzz about Bee Stings
Love the OuchIf you’re like most people, the idea of being stung by a bee is painful at best. Sting sites swell and itch. Sometimes...
Closed feeding bees
Open Or Closed Feeding: Which Is Best?
Well, many people might have only seen bees being fed one way or the other. But really, you should be well informed so you can...
Queen bee
5 Methods To Help You Raise Your Own Queens
Would you like to be able to raise your own queens?The idea of raising your own queen isn't one that comes to mind early for...
Bee swarm on a tree
What To Know About Performing A Split
Have you ever performed a swarm split?If not, it can actually be rather intimidating at first thought. I remember the first time my husband performed...
HM5 Hive Scale
Weighing your beehive: Why and how
Why is weighing your beehive important?Simple - it is a great unobtrusive way to monitor how your bees are doing.It’s important to keep tabs on your...
Beekeeper in Spring
First Hive Check in the Spring
It’s finally here! That joyous warm weather. The sun is shining, it’s 50°F and you’re ready to see how your bees did over the winter.
Bees at Hive
Maintaining the integrity of the beehive
One of the nice things about beekeeping is that it involves a certain amount of downtime. Your bees know what they’re doing, and you don’t...
A Frame of Bees
When bees go bad
Sarah has a disappointment with her hive - and that's just the start. But time to reflect and some lessons learned....
Winter Langstroth Beehives
Over-wintering humans: Getting through the long wait
Beekeepers talk about overwintering - the art of getting bees through the cold winter months. But what about us humans?
Red Beehive
Winterizing beehives
Bees face challenge of surviving the colder months. And that can be a major challenge, especially in colder parts of the country.