Beekeeping Articles
How Bees Manage Temperature and Moisture
My beekeeping journey began when I was a teenager in the early 1970s. School and work soon took me to the big city and away...
February 2, 2024
Preparing for Deep and Long Winters
This is an Academy Hands-On Lesson. Such lessons feature the individual recollections, ideas, and thoughts of PerfectBee Ambassadors, based on their years of experience as...
February 2, 2024
What is Bearding?
The intriguing phenomenon of bearding. Why do they cluster outside their hive? What is the impact on their health and behavior?
February 2, 2024
The Lifecycle and Dangers of Wax Moths
A Pest with a HistoryFor thousands of years wax moths have been a pest to honey bees. Today, their impact to the commercial beekeeping industry...
February 2, 2024
A deeper look at bee anatomy
In The Anatomy of Bees, we took a look at the body parts of the honeybee and the impressive efficiency of this marvel of nature....
February 2, 2024

Making Money From Beekeeping
IntroductionThere are many areas in which commercial beekeepers play an essential role. As one notable example, the largest almond market in the world - California -...
January 17, 2023

Beekeeping and the Neighbors
Prepare foster positive relationships with neighbors while beekeeping. Learn tips for managing hives and addressing concerns for a harmonious community.
November 28, 2022

An Introduction to Feeding Bees
Of all the world's creatures, the honey bee is one of the most resourceful. The honey bee gathers her raw materials for life from far...
September 8, 2022
An Introduction to Harvesting Honey: Part 2
IntroductionIn the first lesson of this two-part topic, we looked at the various forms of honey you might want to harvest, as well as some...
January 26, 2019

An Introduction to Extracting Beeswax
IntroductionHaving seen how to harvest honey from your beehives, there are more treasures awaiting you.Honey gets all the good PR since everyone loves the stuff!...
January 26, 2019

Moving a Hive
"Less than 2 feet or more than 2 miles""No, it's less than 3 feet or more than 3 miles"It's a common discussion among beekeepers. But what...
January 22, 2019

An Introduction to Overwintering Honey Bees
Of all the challenges faced by bees - and beekeepers - the topic of "overwintering" is one of the most commonly discussed. Even without our help,...
January 18, 2019

An Introduction to Queen Rearing: Part 2
In our previous lesson, we looked at why queen rearing can be a fascinating, fun, and worthwhile opportunity for the beekeeper. We now look at...
January 16, 2019

An Introduction to Queen Rearing: Part 1
Many beekeepers enjoy and expand their hobby by buying more bees and maybe carrying out the occasional split. But if that is the limit of...
January 16, 2019

Splitting a Hive
Free bees!Who doesn't like the sound of that? If you are a beekeeper - or are soon to be one - you will know that...
January 15, 2019

Inspecting and Understanding the Brood Pattern
We have looked at the different ways in which frames in your beehive will be used for brood. There are some very specific patterns a...
January 14, 2019

Why and When to Consider Requeening
Bees have it tough and have to contend with a wide range of potential challenges. But they do it so well and a successful colony...
January 13, 2019

Learning From Deadout Inspections
Beekeeping brings so much joy to so many, but also has its challenges. We have looked in detail at the various threats to bees. Losses...
January 12, 2019

The Threat of Varroa Mites: Part 2
In the previous lesson, we looked at the life of the Varroa mite and how their behaviors and reproductive patterns have the potential to decimate...
January 10, 2019

Nosema and Chalkbrood
There are many diseases that can threaten honey bees, including American and European Foulbrood. The frequency and severity of these diseases vary considerably, as do...
January 8, 2019

An Introduction to Tracheal Mites
The world of nature can be downright gruesome. Imagine a creature that crawls into the incredibly tiny breathing tubes of an adult bee, restricting the...
January 8, 2019

The Threat of American and European Foulbrood
In the world of beekeeping, there are few problems as catastrophic to bees as American Foulbrood (AFB). It is the most severe, problematic, and challenging...
January 6, 2019
Small Hive Beetle and Bees
Small, Pesky, and Rather CleverThe Small Hive Beetle, commonly referred to as SHB, is recognized by many beekeepers as a serious threat. It was introduced...
January 3, 2019

The Threat of Robbing
Not All It SeemsAs a new beekeeper, you may one day walk to your hive and see furious activity around the entrance of the hive....
January 2, 2019

An Introduction to the Beehive Inspection
With the beehive up and running and your bees starting to establish their home, the role of the beekeeper changes. From the decision-maker and the architect...
December 29, 2018

Beekeeping Myths for the New Beekeeper to Question
It's tough to say whether the new beekeeper of today has it any easier than the "newbie" of old. It's true that today we have...
December 29, 2018

Tracking Beehive Progress
Why Keep Records? A colony is a complex organism of tens of thousands of bees. The sophisticated behaviors occurring within the beehive are not always...
December 28, 2018

An Introduction to the Brood Nest
With your first bees safely installed in their new home, it's time for the beekeeper to be patient. This is an exciting moment for the...
December 24, 2018

Contrarian Positions Every New Beekeeper Should Consider
Oh, the simple life of a beekeeper. That peaceful, relaxing closeness to nature, enjoying bees and all their benefits. What could be more simple, calming...
December 23, 2018

Obtaining and Installing a Nucleus Colony
IntroductionFor many years, the ready availability of packages of bees meant that they were the most common and recommended way to start as a beekeeper....
December 19, 2018

Obtaining and Installing a Package of Bees
IntroductionOf all the memories you will create as a beekeeper, few will be as exciting and fulfilling as when you install your first bees in...
December 18, 2018

Using Feeders with Your beehive
Learn how and when to effectively use feeders with your beehive. Support your bees' health and productivity.
December 11, 2018
A Detailed Look at Flow Hive
We've Heard it All"It's terrible how you are so dismissive of the Flow Hive. It is a great option for beekeepers"."The fact that you give...
December 5, 2018

Foundation or Foundationless Beekeeping?
Discover the pros and cons of foundationless beekeeping, a natural approach that can promote healthier bees and encourages their instinctive building behaviors.
December 5, 2018

A Detailed Look at the Warre Beehive
In looking at the Langstroth beehive, we see a solution that has served the beekeeper well for hundreds of years. The design delivers many benefits...
December 4, 2018

A Detailed Look at the Top Bar Beehive
IntroductionAsk a Langstroth owner about their beehive and you will get a knowing smile of satisfaction of their choice. Ask a Warre owner and you will...
December 4, 2018

A Detailed Look at the Langstroth Beehive
The Most Popular of BeehivesThere is little doubt that when most people think of a beehive, they think of a Langstroth, knowingly or otherwise. They...
December 3, 2018

The Philosophy of Natural Beekeeping
Whereas many of our previous lessons have been focused on factual, scientific and objective topics, we now turn to one of the more philosophical decisions...
November 24, 2018

Fat Bees and the Winter Cluster
6 Weeks...or 5 Months?What creature has a very short life span in the warm months yet can live several times longer in the challenging cold...
November 21, 2018

Sticking with Propolis
Discover the fascinating world of propolis, the lesser-known bee product. Learn its benefits, uses, and why it's essential for hive health in our latest article.
November 17, 2018

Why and How Bees Forage
Explore how bees forage and their vital role in pollination and the ecosystem. Learn about their behaviors and the complex way they manage their world.
November 15, 2018

The Role of the Worker Bee
Small Package, Big DealWe've looked at the drone and the queen. Now let's look at the astonishing, amazing, almost unbelievable worker bee!When we are in...
November 13, 2018

The Role of the Queen Bee
The Central FigureHave you ever wondered what role the queen really plays within the hive? She certainly plays a vital role, but what exactly is...
November 12, 2018

The Role of the Drone Bee
Why Drones Are NecessaryHave you ever put much thought into the male honey bee? We hear so much about the queen and worker bees, but...
November 11, 2018

The Common Races of Honey Bees
What is a “Race” of bees?A race of bees is akin to a breed of dogs. They have names like Italians, Russian, Cordovan, or Buckfast....
November 11, 2018

How Bees Use Pheromones
Bees communicate primarily through pheromones. Their communication system is highly sophisticated.
November 9, 2018

The Honeybee Lifecycle
When we look at a single honeybee, we see a small, seemingly simple creature. But behind that modest frame is an incredible story. From the...
November 5, 2018

Honey Bee Genetics
Clones with No Sons and Males with No FatherLet's get straight to the point - bee genetics are downright weird!Most of us have heard of...
November 4, 2018