
Don’t Forget to Take Video of Your First Hives

Although as you gain experience there will be a bit less to learn, beekeeping is a hobby where the learning never stops. When you’re first starting out however, there’s so much to learn that all of your firsts in beekeeping may be a bit overshadowed as you simply try to avoid dropping those frames or crushing a queen, all the while hoping you don’t get stung along the way. Once handling those frames becomes second nature and the fear of getting stung is no longer at the forefront of your mind when inspecting, you can slow down and take it all in. Before you get to that point however, taking videos can be just what’s needed.

New Bee Hives
New Bee Hives

And there’s only one first hive, one first installation of a package or NUC, and there’s only one first inspection and finding that queen for the first time. With video of these moments, you can relive the experience many times over or get your beekeeping fix during a long winter. Typically we have our hands full in the apiary already, so having a helper (with protective clothing if they are close to the action) can be very helpful. 

Video can have more uses than just for reliving the experience, however. Questions are a guarantee for new beekeepers and when seeking the advice of other beekeepers online or in person, having a video to show them exactly what you’re talking about will without a doubt, help them help you and your bees. Additionally, if you have good video you can review these videos yourself later. Couldn’t find the queen? Rather than going through all the frames again and risking disruption of the hive, put the hive back together and review the video later. Aren’t sure if those are really queen cells? Compare video to online sources after you’re done with your inspection.

Luckily today, taking video is easier than ever. With a video camera built right into our phones, we can quickly take video, review at our convenience, and easily share with others. For the best video it is probably best to have a helper with you. Make sure the sun is behind the camera if possible, keep a steady hand, and limit your zooming to make the video easier to watch later.

While not required, taking video of your hives is highly suggested at least on some visits to your apiary. Video is a great way to relive the experience yourself at a later time, share your experiences with friends and family, and possibly even to help diagnose issues you might have with your hives.