Northern Climates Beekeeping

Get a copy of Beekeeping in Northern Climates to help you learn to manage your honey bee colonies in colder months and climates.


The Beekeeping in Northern Climates book (Furgala, B.; Spivak, M.; Reuter, G.) provides basic management principles and methods for managing wintered honey bee colonies in northern climates. Includes ten illustrations, a resource list, and glossary. 75 pages. For beekeepers, entomology students, and others interested in beekeeping. A 40-minute companion video is available for viewing on the University of Minnesota website with purchase of the book. Also included in the package is a copy of Honey Bee Diseases & Pests (see below).

Honey Bee Diseases & Pests: A companion to Beekeeping in Northern Climates (Spivak, M.; Reuter, G.) Updated for 2013. This 32-page booklet contains up-to-date information on controlling diseases, parasitic mites, and other pests of honey bees.