The PerfectBee Beekeeping Blog

Mite Treatments and Winter Hive Activity

Spring Approaches and An Apiary Springs Into Life

Monitoring Varroa Mite Levels

Hive Inspections and Recordkeeping

Approaching Fall and Changes in the Apiary

Installing a New Hive In Fall

Honey in the Hive and a Rainy Summer

A Buckfast Experiment Goes Bust – Aggressive Bees and Honey Supers

Buckfast bees, more splits and the wonder of VSH bees

Interesting Developments with Queens and Swarms

Cooler Weather And The Beekeeper

A New Beekeeper’s Journal

The Beekeeping Season Lengthens

Resource Hives, Queen Castles and Nucs

Gardening for Beekeepers: Flowers that Honeybees Love

Educational Resources for New Beekeepers

Bee Colony Growth Spurt

Choosing a Treatment For Varroa Mites

Treatments for Varroa Mites

Surprises in the Bee Yard: Two Weeks Is an Age in Beekeeping

Considering the Joys of Beekeeping

Aggressive Colonies and Missing Queens

When Beekeeping Goes Wrong

The Joy of Installing Nucs

The First Few Weeks of a Beehive

Setting Up a Langstroth Hive

Critical Decisions for Bee Yard Setup

Key Startup Decisions For the Beekeeper